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Transpersonal Psychology: Research Help

Boolean Operators

Boolean operators allow you to combine your keywords into search queries.

The words AND and OR are the most commonly used Boolean operators. Another is NOT, which is difficult to use because it can exclude useful results.

AND combines your search terms and looks for them together in search results. For example, a search for 'mind AND spirit' will retrieve records that contain both search words.

OR separates your search terms, finding records that contain either keyword. For example, a search for 'mind OR spirit' will retrieve records that contain just one of the search terms as well as records with both of the search terms.

NOT finds records that only have the first keyword, excluding the second keyword. For example, a search for 'mind NOT spirit' will only find recrods containing mind but not the second keyword. However, if there was an article entitled Mind as it Relates to the Spirit, the database will ignore the article even though it is useful because of the use of the Boolean Operator NOT.



  • What makes the author(s) an authority on this subject?
  • Does the author cite his/her experience/credentials?
  • Is there any way to contact the author? 
  • In what publication/Web site does the article appear?   Who is responsible for the information presented?
  • Is the publication peer-reviewed or scholarly? 
  • Is material taken from other sources fully credited?

Scope, Coverage & Relevance

  • Who is the intended audience? (general, specialized readership, scholars, etc.)
  • Are the content and level appropriate for your assignment?
  • What time period is covered?
  • What geographical area is covered?

Bias & Accuracy

  • How is the information presented? (fact, opinion, propaganda, etc.)
  • If presented as fact, is it accurate?  Can you find other sources that corroborate the information?
  • Is there a bias? (cultural, political, religious, etc.) If so, is the bias clearly stated?

Currency / Timeliness

  • How recent is the information?  Is it important that the information is up-to-date?
  • Is some of the information obviously out-of-date? Too old for your needs? 


  • Did it use accepted methodologies for its field, insofar as you know?
  • Is the information clearly written?
  • Is the information presented in an organized manner? Do the links work?