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A to Z Title List
List of journal titles, in print and electronic form, with full text available for Sofia University. Also lists e-books available in Sofia databases. Links to journal and ebook full text are included.
Journal of Transpersonal Psychology (JTP) Archives
Full text of all issues of the Journal of Transpersonal Psychology in pdf form.
Database Collections:
Dissertations and Theses: Many with full text
ERIC: Education and child development
Medline: Medicine
Philosopher's Index: Philosophy
PILOTS: Post Traumatic Stress
ProQuest Psychology: Journals in psychology and psychiatry
ProQuest Religion: Journals on religious issues and perspectives
ProQuest Research Library: Various subjects, many with full text
PsycARTICLES: Full text articles in Psychology
PsycINFO: Psychology
Social Service Abstracts: Social work, human services, etc
Sociological Abstracts: Sociology
Alt HealthWatch: Holistic and integrated approaches to health care, many with full text
ATLA/ATLAS: Religion and spirituality, including many full text articles
LGBT Life with Full Text: Includes full text for periodicals and books
ebook Collection: Full text for a few selected transpersonal books.
Mental Measurements Yearbook with Tests In Print: Index to evaluate assessments
PsycBooks: Chapters from 2,000 books published by APA, and other publishers, classic books in psychology, and authored entries from the APA/Oxford University Press Encyclopedia of Psychology.
PsycCritiques: Current APA book and film reviews
PsycEXTRA: Reports, conference papers, newsletters etc., many with full text
Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection: Full text for journals in the field
JSTOR (Arts & Sciences III Archive Collection)
Journals in Arts and Sciences in many fields: arts, folklore, history, religion, and women's studies, with some full text available from 225 journals. Articles are primarily 3 years old and older..
SAGE Premier
Search in many subjects for articles with full text from 1999 to present and citations and abstracts for articles before 1999.
Access peer reviewed journals in many subjects, with full text.
A collection of databases with citations (no full text) for many journals
Use EBSCO HOST to access PsycBooks Database.
APA Handbook of Psychology, Religion, and Spirituality
Access full text chapters from this important 2013 handbook
Searchable database of over 80,000 recent full text books in many academic fields.
Springer E-Books in Behavioral Sciences
Database of over 400 books in behavioral sciences published by Springer from 2005-2013.
Taylor & Francis eBooks Access about 90 scholarly, academic books in behavioral sciences and humanities.
Specialized Databases
Annual Review of Clinical Psychology Critical reviews of scholarly advances in clinical psychology: full text from 2005 (vol. 1).
Annual Review of Psychology Critical reviews of scholarly advances in psychology: full text 1996 + & table of contents 1950+.
ARAS Search this Jungian, pictorial and written archive of mythological and symbolic images from around the world from all epochs of human history
Catalog of Art Museum Images Online, documenting works of art from around the world, representing collections of prominent museums, highlighting creative output of many cultures, from prehistoric to contemporary times.
Chronicle of Higher Education
The Chronicle, online, published every weekday has information for people in academe, with complete contents of the latest printed issue, with access to the full archive.
Counseling & Psychotherapy Transcripts
Searchable collection of real transcripts of therapy and counseling sessions, as well as reference works.
Counseling and Therapy in Video
Collection of video for the study of social work, psychotherapy, psychology, and psychiatric counseling.
Collection of streaming videos for teaching, training, self-study and continuing education in psychotherapy